About Us
Photo courtesy of Patrick Fitzgerald
Who We Are
Friends of the Washington Park and Zoo Railway was established as a nonprofit organization registered in Oregon in 2018.
The Friends of the Washington Park and Zoo Railway are neighbors, volunteers, rail and geology experts, and citizens of our region who love the Zoo Railway and want it to run again to the Rose Garden.
Mission Statement
The specific purpose of Friends of Washington Park and Zoo Railway is for the preservation, repair, secured ongoing operation, and the ecological restoration of the full Washington Park and Zoo Railway that runs between the Oregon Zoo and the International Rose Test Garden. Our organization throughout this process will be guided by the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Meet the Board
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Get On Board!
Here’s how you can help…
Be counted among the thousands of supporters of the Rose Garden Loop Restoration on this Change.org petition.
Sign The Petition Here -
Every dollar helps! Your donation will aid in our mission of restoring the historic route including volunteer efforts, advocacy campaigns, and necessary professional services.