Our Work

Geotechnical Railway Study

Shannon & Wilson (S&W), a premiere geotechnical engineering firm, updated a 2013 study commissioned by the zoo. The 2023 S&W report supports replacing just one of the rail line’s nine retaining walls and repairing a small slide near the Washington Park Rose Garden Station. S&W inspected the line and found the rails to be in good condition. This study was paid for with money raised by the Arlington Heights Neighborhood.

Photos courtesy of Kathy Goeddel and Gretta Wuttig

Track Clearing

Over 64 enthusiastic volunteers spent more than 20 days clearing vegetation from the Rose Garden Loop trackway in 2022 and 2023.  Volunteer organizations included the Golden Dragon Paddling Club, Wasabi Paddling Group, the Arlington Heights Neighborhood Association, Post 58 of the Mountaineers, Unitarian Universalist Men's Group and the Rose Garden Loop Restoration Team.

Photos courtesy of Kathy Goeddel

Washington Park Station

Lango Hansen Landscape Architects and Sundeleaf Mackenzie Architects have drawn up plans to make the Washington Park station accessible for people using wheelchairs.

The station building needs cosmetic updating—a great volunteer opportunity!

Rose Garden Station

Photo courtesy of Melissa Darby

Rolling Stock

The trains have been deemed safe to operate by railroad experts.

While immediate action is not required, significant refurbishment or replacement will be needed even if the train only runs inside the Oregon Zoo.

Renovation and Operating Costs

We are developing an updated estimate of costs to restore the trackway and trains.

A financial analysis completed by the Oregon Zoo shows revenues from the restored line would more than cover operating costs. 

Photo courtesy of Pat Fitzgerald

Historic Status

In 2020 the railway was listed as an historic district on the National Register of Historic Places. This status protects the railroad from being replaced with a walking path, as contemplated in the Washington Park Master Plan adopted by Portland City Council in 2018.

As owners and operators of the railroad, Metro and the City of Portland as owners are responsible for its preservation.

Photos courtesy of Pat Fitzgerald

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Here’s how you can help…

  • Be counted among the thousands of supporters of the Rose Garden Loop Restoration on this Change.org petition.

    Sign The Petition Here

  • Every dollar helps! Your donation will aid in our mission of restoring the historic route including volunteer efforts, advocacy campaigns, and necessary professional services.

    Donate Here

  • Likes, follows and shares go a long way. Connect with us on socials to stay in the loop and help us win!
