We Need Your Help!
Friends spreading the word!
We Need Your Help: We are mounting an email campaign to ask the Metro Council to designate just 2 percent of the just-approved zoo bond measure to fund restoration of the zoo train. Voters said yes to $380 million zoo bond in the May 21 election. As currently planned, the funds would be used to upgrade animal habitats and zoo infrastructure—but not the railway. This could change, as the Metro Council must now officially adopt a spending plan.
Your timely letter or email can help persuade the council to do the right thing and support the zoo train. Please email your Metro Councilor and Council President Lynn Peterson, copying Metro Chief Operating Officer Marissa Madrigal and Oregon Zoo Director Heidi Rahn, urging them to include the zoo railway, including the Rose Garden Loop, in detailed spending plans for the zoo bond.
Here's a Draft Email: Borrow ours or draft your own! Alternately, use this or your own text in a US mail letter. Here is a word template, if you prefer that.
To: Lynn Peterson, lynn.peterson@oregonmetro.gov; YOUR COUNCILOR, EMAIL ADDRESS
Cc: Marissa Madrigal, marissa.madrigal@oregonmetro.gov; Heidi Rahn, heidi.rahn@oregonmetro.gov
Subject: Fund zoo train restoration
The Zoo Railway is an Oregon treasure, built decades ago with funds from children, businesses, and voters. You hold the key to its future. The recently passed bond measure provides up to $380 million for zoo upgrades. Please designate just TWO PERCENT of these funds to restore the railway and its Rose Garden Loop. Future generations will thank you.
Your constituent,
Your Name Here
Who is my Metro Councilor?
Link to find your councilor: https://www.oregonmetro.gov/about-metro/metro-council/find-your-councilor
Metro Councilors:
Lynn Peterson, Council President (at large), lynn.peterson@oregonmetro.gov
Ashton Simpson, District 1, ashton.simpson@oregonmetro.gov
Christine Lewis, District 2, christine.lewis@oregonmetro.gov
Gerrit Rosenthal, District 3, gerritt.rosenthal@oregonmetro.gov
Juan Carlos González, District 4, juancarlos.gonzalez@oregonmetro.gov
Mary Nolan, District 5, mary.nolan@oregonmetro.gov
Duncan Hwang, District 6, duncan.hwang@oregonmetro.gov
Metro Management for the cc:
Marissa Madrigal, Metro Chief Operating Officer, marissa.madrigal@oregonmetro.gov
Heidi Rahn, Oregon Zoo Director, heidi.rahn@oregonmetro.gov
Address for Letters:
Metro Regional Center
600 NE Grand Ave.
Portland, OR 97232-2736
Please spread the word to your Zoo Train Loving Friends!
Thank you for your help with this effort. If you have questions / would like more information, please ask!